Lake Tanganyika Tank

Here is the Lake Tanganiyika Tank . This was the second tank, at first it was a saltwater tank. Then water changes got to expensive and I switched it to a quarantine tank ( which was very useful). Next one of my fish had fry so I put them in that tank. After asking someone for a 5 gallon for the fry, I made it a shell dweller tank or Lake Tanganiyika Tank. The specs and fish are located below in a list if you would like to see them.

Size- 10 gallons
Type of Tank- Standard
Filter- 10-20 Aqua-tech gallon (hang on back)
Lighting- 15w Florescent Strip
Heater- None

Lamprologus Ocellatus

I have gone with a look that ties the background and the sand together. This give the tank some depth while at the same time it looks good.

Caption: Angled View of the Tank

Caption: Front View of the Tank

Vaption: Side View of the Tank

I hope you enjoyed my blog post, if you have any questions message me.
